1. Do you wear it? Have you gone more than a year without wearing some clothing items in your wardrobe? If you have, it’s time to say an overdue goodbye. As much as you think you may want to wear them one day, it’s best to get rid. Using the space for something you’ll definitely wear is better than letting unnecessary items clutter your closet.
2. Retire Items If you have clothes that you love but are tired of wearing, pack them away into your attic for a few months. Not only will it save space in your wardrobe, but you’ll love them again when you remember you have them. The same can also be done with seasonal wear; when it gets to summer, pack away all your winter clothes until the season comes back around.
3. Sell or Donate If you have clothes that are in a good condition but you no longer want to wear, you could make some extra money by selling them on. There are multiple websites you can use as a platform for selling, including eBay and Depop. Alternatively, you could do a great deed and donate your old clothes to a charity shop.
4. Categorise It may take some time, but categorising your clothing items into sections can make everything easier to find. Place all items in their relevant sections (tops, skirts, trousers, dresses). You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes when it comes to picking your outfits- not to mention keeping everything extremely organised!
5. Use a Self-Storage Unit
If you have a lot of clothes that, although you don’t often wear, you just can’t get rid of, perhaps a small, domestic self- storage unit could be the answer to your unorganised wardrobe woes. Beehive Self-Storage have a huge range of multiple sized units available at a great price!
Organising your wardrobe can be a hefty task, but it needn’t be if you follow our top tips. If you’d like more information on domestic self-storage units, we’d love to help. Please get in touch with a member of our team via our website, here.