Wednesday, 13 July 2016

5 Helpful Ways to Organise a Cluttered Cupboard

You might have cupboard spaces that are in great need of organising, but doing so doesn’t have to be a chore. To get you started, we’ve got 5 helpful ways to organise a cluttered cupboard.

1.    Get rid of what you don’t use

It’s very easy for random and unused items to pile up in cupboards. In cases such as these, you need to haul everything out of the space and evaluate what should be kept and what shouldn’t. Weigh up in your mind how much you need each item or how often you’re likely to use it. The objects that don’t seem very important can obviously be disposed of. This exercise should reduce your clutter considerably.

2.      Organise in levels

One good trick you can use is to place your most used items at eye level; that way they’re easier to find and put back after use. Things that you use slightly less can go on the level below, and items that you rarely use can be placed on the highest level. For example, if you’re organising books, your new purchases can go at eye level, books you’ve recently finished can go just below, and any really old copies that you can’t bear to part with can go on the top level.

3.     Organise similar items together

If you have several similar items, you can put them together, which will make them easier to find. The space will come across more organised, aesthetically pleasing and uniform. This should also make it easier to spot any missed placed items.

4.      Bigger items first

It’s easier to add larger items first, then the smaller items can fit around them in whatever space is left. Trying to do it the other way around won’t work well in limited spaces; the small items will always have to be rearranged to make space for anything bigger. It’s also a good idea to pack anything that’s seriously heavy onto the bottom of your cupboard, regardless of how often you use it, so there is no risk of it breaking a shelf.

5.      Leave space for more

You’re probably going to add more items to your cupboard space in the future, which is why we’d recommend not packing everything in too tightly. You don’t want to be short on space because you’ll end up where you started; with more items than you have space. Plus, if you leave some room it will be less hassle to take out and return your belongings to the cupboard. This will help make everyday use a lot easier.

With these helpful ideas, we hope organising your cupboard doesn’t seem too daunting. We appreciate that sometimes there isn’t always space to store everything, which is why you might be interested in one of our domestic or business storage units. To make an enquiry you can call us on 08456436100.

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